Meet Dr. Amy Lee

Dr. Amy Lee is a board certified Specialist Orthodontist who is passionate about creating beautiful smiles for both children and adults. 

Your Smile,
Our Passion

Tailored Orthodontic Care for a Lifetime of Confidence


  • Investigating Bisphenol-A (BPA) Leaching in Orthodontic Aligner Materials: Assessing Cytotoxicity and Estrogenicity Effects (99th European Orthodontic Society Congress, Athens 2024)
  • The controversies surrounding extractions (The University of Sydney, Orthodontic Long Course, 2023)
  • The accuracy of Bellus3DARC-7 and an in-vivo analysis of intra and inter-examiner reliability of digital and manual anthropometry. (3M Postgraduate Pre-ASOFRE conference, 2023)


·        The accuracy (trueness and precision) of Bellus3DARC-7 and an in-vivo analysis of intra and inter-examiner reliability of digital and manual anthropometry DOI:


·        Research Poster: Investigating Bisphenol-A (BPA) Leaching in Orthodontic Aligner Materials: Assessing Cytotoxicity and Estrogenicity Effects ASOFRE Foundation Meeting 2023


·       ASO Brighter Futures Newsletter– Edition 3, 2022: After Orthodontic Treatment

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